In addition to basic life Insurance coverage, supplemental coverage can be arranged.
Each of the supplemental packages will give you additional compensation and security.
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Allianz Riziko Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
The insurance premium for death and serious illness will be lower if you do not smoke, as non-smokers are subject to a more favourable price list, and if you are a non-smoker with a body mass index (BMI) within the recommended values, i.e. between 19 and 27, and you do not engage in a risky profession or sport.
BMI (body mass index) is calculated by the following formula: BMI=m/h², where m=weight in kilograms, h=height in metres.
Additional accident insurance cover provides an additional payment to the beneficiary of the insurance in the event of:
You can also take out:
- additional insurance in the event of a bone fracture due to an accident
- and/or ensure for the payout of a monthly annuity in the event of a disability of more than 50%.
Additional insurance in case of serious illness ensures the payment of the contractual amount to the insured person if he or she suffers from any of the 5 serious illnesses (invasive cancer, stroke, myocardial infarction (heart attack), benign brain tumour requiring surgery and causing permanent neurological deficit, coronary artery bypass graft (CABG) surgery).
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